An abstract illustration showing a woman at a laptop

How we’re using AI in our PR work

As everyone makes their 2024 projections, we are seeing tons of blogs and podcasts that talk in macro terms about AI – for example, this awesome reflection on how AI could alleviate human capital gaps in emerging economies – The Economist (paywall). 

But how are we ACTUALLY using AI in our work? It seems to me that most of us are just looking for platforms that enable us to use this tool and make our lives easier.

AI tools we have tried and rate highly

In the past weeks we have used AI for:

  • First draft Executive Summary of a report (OpenAI’s GPT4)
  • Translating surveys and press releases from English into Arabic, French and Spanish (OpenAI’s GPT4). The translations were then edited by human native speakers
  • Enhancing a draft rubric for a recruitment task for final-stage candidates (GPT4. I tried ChatGPT for this but it misunderstood the task)
  • Creating a glossary of technical terms (GPT4)
  • Customising a User Journey template specifically for a nonprofit profile (GPT4)
  • Adapting social media content for different platforms and audiences (Canva)
  • First draft data analysis (GPT4, ChatGPT)
  • Creating illustrations for blog posts and web pages (Midjourney)
  • Creating the structure of our 2023 Annual Impact Report and writing the first draft of the Executive Summary (GPT4)
  • In 2023 we also trialled social media content creation and publishing via Ocoya, but this was a fail – the platform wasn’t ready and it was quicker and better to do it ourselves.

Wish list: PR tools using AI

What we haven’t yet tried, but want to:

  • Building AI into the custom social media management app I built us last year (oh yeah, I built an app, no big deal)
  • Task integration and automation, e.g. marrying GPT4 + Zapier tools
  • Automated media and sentiment monitoring (currently we use tools for assistance but still do a lot of manual work)
  • Client report generation based on our own templates
  • A custom chatbot to answer comms questions on our website
  • Tons of other things!

This podcast talks about what other communications firms are doing (23 minutes in). 

We also developed our AI Ethics FAQ, specially for impact organisations like ours. We still find it useful to have an ethics checklist and plan to keep it regularly updated.

What tools are we missing out on?

What tools have you tried and found life-changing? Please contact us and share your thoughts. And if you’d like to join us on a journey to make communications more accessible, positive, and affordable for nonprofits – drop us a line via the contact form. Thanks!